Enhancing culturally appropriate care for mums and families

February 26, 2025
South Eastern Sydney Local Health District (SESLHD)

When Pascoela Martins and her partner Napoleão Guterres found out they were expecting their second child, they knew they wanted the team at the Royal Hospital for Women to provide Pascoela’s antenatal and maternity care.

The East Timorese couple had their first child at the Royal in 2022 while Napoleão was completing his Master’s studies at UNSW Sydney.

Pascoela received additional support for both her pregnancies from Galuh Sapthari, a Cross-Cultural Worker at the Royal. Galuh works with families and the Royal’s clinical teams to help support culturally appropriate care, and one of a handful of Cross-Cultural Workers in the state dedicated to supporting maternity, child and family health.

Read more: Enhancing culturally appropriate care for mums and families