Putting principle into practice
Meet Catherine O’Donnell, the Director of Lived Experience Engagement at Mindgardens.
Many clinicians and researchers want to include consumers, carers and families in their work, but are unsure how to go about it, says Catherine, who herself identifies as having a lived experience of mental illness and drug and alcohol addiction.
Through her senior executive role, Catherine says she can, “help people understand what is best practice around bringing those voices of lived experience to the table.”
Peer workers represent 14% of the NSW community-managed mental health workforce
Mental health peer work scholarships are available in NSW
Suicide prevention peer workers roles are funded in NSW
1.85 million
Peer support for people leaving hospital saved NSW $1.85 million in 3 years
Lived Experience Engagament Framework
Mindgardens has formalised its commitment to engaging with people with lived experience of mental health, drug and alcohol and neurological disorders through this statement, adopted in October 2023.
Stories of lived experience
Consumers and families apply their knowledge to system change
How MindLabs contributes
Advocacy for system change
Connecting clinicians, consumers and researchers
Co-design training workshops
Research skill building for people with lived experience
Optimising the research agenda
Developing cross-disciplinary collaborations
Brings together the strengths of four founding organisations