The engine room of innovation

MindLabs brings together the skills and knowledge of people with lived experience, clinicians, researchers, health service managers and the community to maximise the impact of collaboration, co-design and partnerships.
Through research support, a learning hub and consultancy service, MindLabs nurtures new ideas and builds the skills and capacity to drive practice innovation and make a difference in people’s lives.
Lived experience
Listening to people’s stories

The voices of people with lived experience, and their carers and families, are at the centre of Mindgardens’ research and capacity building work in mental health, drug and alcohol and neurological disorders.
Those who live with these conditions gain unique knowledge from their experiences and the choices they make about treatment and support. Mindgardens honours this expertise and is developing new ways to integrate the full diversity of lived experience with professional understanding.
A platform to share research

A shared data system across universities, hospitals and community clinics will allow patients to enter clinical trials from any point in the Mindgardens network and support the collection and integration of research and clinical data.
The secure system will manage the privacy of health records and provide a bridge between data formats, helping clinicians and researchers to collaborate with patients for improved treatment and more effective research.
Brings together the strengths of four founding organisations