Support Contacts
Mindgardens does not provide direct support and cannot assist in an emergency. We recommend the following organisations.
Mental Health
If you or someone close to you is in distress or immediate danger dial 000 as soon as possible.
If you need support, call one of the following numbers.
Counselling for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People
Drug & Alcohol
Neurological Disorders
- Stroke Foundation Strokeline 1800 787 653
- Epilepsy Foundation 1300 761 487
- Epilepsy Action 1300 37 45 37
- MSPlus 1800 042138
- Multiple sclerosis QLD
- Multiple Sclerosis Society of NT and SA 1800 812 311
- Multiple sclerosis WA 1300 097 989
- Parkinson’s Healthline 1800 644 189
- National Dementia Helpline 1800 100 500
Brings together the strengths of four founding organisations