Drug & Alcohol Disorders | Mental Health
Co-occurring mental health and drug and alcohol support
This directory of online and telephone resources and online training was developed by the South Eastern Sydney LHD…This directory of online and telephone resources and online training was developed by the South Eastern Sydney LHD Drug and Alcohol Services Comorbidity Clinical Pathways Project to assist clinicians in supporting clients with mild to moderate conditions, where specialist mental health or alcohol and other drug services are not required. Funded by Mindgardens, the package includes resources that specifically address co-occurring mental health and substance use, as well resources that focus only on alcohol and other drug use or only mental health. Show more
Keeping the Body in Mind | Mental Health | Psychosis | Training Videos
Keeping the Body in Mind(gardens) physical health resources
This series of resources within the Keeping the Body in Mind(gardens) research project aims to improve physical health…This series of resources within the Keeping the Body in Mind(gardens) research project aims to improve physical health outcomes for mental health consumers. The resources include:
- Updated decision guides to help mental health clinicians determine when and how to intervene to support patients’ physical health
- Training videos for mental health clinicians about nutrition, physical activity and tobacco treatment
- Resources for consumers to set goals and monitor their progress in multiple physical health domains
Neurological Disorders
Mindgardens Functional Neurological Disorder (FND) Clinic Resources
This suite of resources was prepared by the Mindgardens Functional Neurological Disorders (FND) Clinic team. The resources aim…This suite of resources was prepared by the Mindgardens Functional Neurological Disorders (FND) Clinic team. The resources aim to empower consumers to make positive choices about their health care, and build clinicians’ skills to work confidently and empathetically with people who experience these challenging conditions. Show more
Keeping the Body in Mind
Keeping the Body in Mind: The evolution of a lifestyle program for mental health consumers
The Keeping the Body in Mind (KBIM) Program was launched in 2004 and this report is the history…The Keeping the Body in Mind (KBIM) Program was launched in 2004 and this report is the history of how it developed into an internationally renowned success story. The KBIM story has been developed to provide advice and guidance for mental health service providers seeking practical information about how to get started, or overcome roadblocks along the way, when implementing a physical health program. Show more
Brings together the strengths of four founding organisations